"NUBU WORLD" is an African educational children's show combines live action, sketch comedy, animation and puppetry. It is produced by Nubu Workshop and was created by Ramus Ankh. The program is known for its images communicated through the use of Nubu and includes short films, with humor and African cultural references. The format of Nubu World consists of a combination of commercial television production elements and techniques which will evolved to reflect the changes in African and American culture. With the creation of Nubu World, producers and writers of a children's television show used, for the first time on such level can open doors in the future of African education.
Nubu World, is a system of television show planning providing the proper education, production, and evaluation based on collaborations between producers, writers, educators, and researchers. Nubu World is a funtivity program wrapped around eight young African characters in a magical book. Story told by RA SETNA The Goddess of the lands of Nuberio in her learning school of Adventurious. Nubu World is geared to entertain the children and creatively challenge their minds, sharing and caring allowing their dreams to shine. The secrets is hidden inside of you. WATCH NUBU WORLD!