Directory Center
Nubu Directory Center makes a big difference in finding your way around Nubu Toon website. The structure and links below provides links to each page that you may have missed. Navigation can have a huge impact on your results, which is why we made it easier for you to explore.
NUBU home page is the main page visitors can navigate as they begin their journey. This page is will start you off with the latest in Nubu news, features and events. Here are the links to full articles, that reflects the popularity and recentness of stories.Enjoy​
NUBU STORY page is where the history begins with our 8 heroic. friends. Their world is face again the greatest evil of all times and Egypt needs their help in stopping what's to come, read more about Nubu and how they can stop this evil.
BOOK CLUB, Our Nubu Book Club are a convenient way to build a great library, and are perfect for on-the-go reading. Every Nubu Ebook that you purchase can be read on any smartphone, tablet, iPad or computer. You can log in to your account through any internet browser on any type of device to read the ebooks.
NUBU WORLD is where you can see the full list of Nubu World director lineups and Funtivities. as well as upcoming programs.
Make sure you stop by, links on page...
FOUNDATION Become a member of Nubu Art of Color Foundation and get more involve with help a child in Africa.
The N.A.O.C.F. club is a new benefit available with your support.
WORK SHOP All schools are different—so Nubu workshops aren’t “one size fits all.” Our team works with you to create specialized training for your school, designed especially to address your local issues and needs through our Beloved characters. Links found on this page